animasi bergerak gif

Minggu, 24 Agustus 2014



Timun Mas
Once upon a time, in the small village on the foot of the mountain, lived a poor farmer who had been married to his wife for more than ten years. Although they were poor they always enjoyed life. The only missing was a child. Being childless was almost unbearable for them since they love children very much
Meanwhile, on the top of the mountain, there was a man eating giant who like to prey on kids. The giant heard about the couple who longed to have a baby, and he came up with a mean plan. He offered the couple an agreement
Giant          : hua ha ha ha (twice) “do you want to have a baby?”
Farmer         :”yes, Mr. Giant of course, we want to have a baby”
Giant          : “even if I asked you to sacrifice something you really love?”
Farmer         :”it doesn’t matter, we are really desperate to have a baby”
Giant          :”it’s easy to make your dream comes true. I’ll give you some magic cucumber seeds, grow them well, and when it is a harvest time, you will find a baby girl in one of the biggest cucumber. Huahahahah (twice)”
The giant started his mean plan
Mom           :”do you really mean it?”
Giant          :”yea… of course I do, you can have and take care of the baby, but.. you must give her to me on hen seventeenth birthday, is it a deal?”
Mom           :” yes, it’s a deal! It’s a deal! I agree with you”
After giving the farmer some magic cucumber seeds, the giant went back to the top of the mountain. While the farmer grew the magic cucumber seeds.
One day, they found a baby girl in one of the biggest cucumber. Then, they named her Timun Mas.
As time went by, Timun mas not only grew into a kind, beautiful, and smart young lady, but also have a green thumb somebody is outstanding at growing plants. On her seventeenth birthday, her parents told Timun Mas about the deal. Knowing that, Timun Mas burst into tears.
Timun mas    :”hiks, hiks, hiks, daddy, please, don’t let the giant take and prey on me daddy… hiks hiks hiks” Timun Mas cried.
Farmer         :”we won’t let anything bad happens to you my dear…”
Mom           :”bring this bag with you, when the giant chases you, take the needles and the salt and trow them to the giant.”
Timun mas left the house. It was the only way to avoid the giant.
Not long after, the giant came and asked where she was.
”you won’t find Timun Mas! We won’t let you prey on her!” said the father.
Giant          :”what? Prey on your girl? What do you mean? Have you heard the latest gossip about me? You see.. I’m a vegetarian now.. hua ha ha ha (twice)”
Mom           :”vegetarian? How, come?”
Giant          :”ooww, I’m an old giant now.  I have eaten meat fot all my life so my cholesterol and blood pressure are high. I don’t want to have a heart attack”
Farmer         :”oh.. I see, but why are you still looking for my daughter?”
Giant          :”oh.. I heard that Timun Mas is very good at growing stuff. If don’t mind, I want her to give e some tips.”
Mom           :”she left home a few minutes ago, I’m sure she hasn’t gone to far yet”
Farmer         :”bring this axe to slash the thorny trees, but don’t hurt her, okay?”
Mom           :”and bring this life vest to help you swim”
Giant          :”oh.. don’t worry.. I’m leaving now…hua ha ha ha (twice)”
Timun mas ran faster and faster. The giant was closer. Then she threw some needles to the giant. They become a thick forest with the thorny trees. The giant was ready with his axe to cut down all of the trees. Soon she threw some salt at the giant, angd changed into a sea. The giant put on his life jacket and swam across the sea. He was finally able to get Timun Mas.
Timun Mas    :”oh.. please Mr. Giant have mercy on me. I’ll cook and clean your house.. please don’t eat me… :’(”
Giant          :”don’t be afraid Timun Mas, I won’t prey on you
Timun Mas    :”really? B.. but why? :’(”
Giant          :”I’ve changed now…” he explained about why he looked for her.
Timun mas was so relieved knowing that the giant had turned into a vegetarian and he wanted to learn about farming. Hand in hand, timun mas and the giand grew fruits and vegetables. This collaboration resulted a famous farm called “Giant Cucumber”. Together they made a lot of money. And since they were very good at controlling their cash flow, they lived happily ever after.
Changes may happen to everyone. The giant had showed how he changed his personality and way of life from the bad ones, to the good ones. If it happens in our life, we should appreciate someone who changes his or her way of life. Just like what Timun Mas has done. 


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